Graduate Scholarships and Awards


Financial & Fellowship Support from Grad Division

Applicants who submit a completed application for Fall, before December 1, this academic will be given first consideration for financial / fellowship support from the Graduate Division. Applications reviewed after December 1 will be considered for fellowship awards, subject to availability of unallocated funds after the initial round of applications have been reviewed.

To access our forms, sign out of any personal Gmail accounts and sign in to your Rmail account.

Graduate Student and Postdoc Excellence Awards

The purpose of the graduate student and postdoc excellence awards is to formally recognize, honor, and celebrate outstanding research, teaching, outreach and service accomplishments by graduate students and postdocs within the Department of Environmental Sciences. These awards are provided once on an annual basis as long as departmental funds permit. All nominations are faculty-initiated (no self-nominations nor peer-nominations allowed). Awards are limited to one award per category per student during their graduate/postdoc careers within the ENSC Department. The applications should be submitted no later than the end of April in order to provide a sufficient amount of time to collect nominations, review/rank nominations, and distribute funds before the end of the spring quarter (e.g., mid-to-late May) of each year.


2022 Award Winners
Outstanding Research Award (graduate students) Tiantian Zhou
Outstanding Teaching Award Jenna Wiegand
Outstanding Outreach Award Isis Frausto-Vicencio
Outstanding Service Award Michael Rodriguez
Diverse Voices in ENSC Award Michelle Carr



For more information, contact our Scholarship Committee Chair