environmental scientist

Internships and Jobs


Environmental Internship Program

The Environmental Internship Program offers students opportunities to work with government agencies, private firms, and nonprofit organizations involved in environmental affairs. As excursions into professional life, internships provide "hands-on" experience in applying the principles presented in courses.

Beyond the highly specialized training associated with on-the-job activities, students can gain insights into their aptitudes, aspirations and work habits that enable them to clarify their academic and career objectives. Professional acquaintances established during internships can continue to serve as important contacts for students after the internship is completed.

Although most internships are part-time (12-15 hours per week) positions in the Riverside area, organizations that host student interns are located throughout the United States and in Washington, D.C.

Students working as interns may receive stipends, hourly wages, or serve as volunteers, depending upon the specific appointment. Up to 16 units of credit toward the bachelor’s degree may be earned by developing an academic component of the internship in consultation with a faculty supervisor and enrolling in ENSC 198-I.

Opportunities Currently Open to UCR Environmental Sciences Undergraduates

  • San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office
    The Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit of the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office is excited to offer a new internship program in partnership with the UCR Environment Sciences Undergraduate Program. Our unit prosecutes cases against companies and individuals who violate environmental law, such as dumping hazardous waste, use of banned pesticides, and other environmental crimes.
     Students participating in our internship will receive Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training and certification, as well as other training. They will have the opportunity to get field experience, conduct hazardous waste audits, perform sampling on illegal agriculture sites, and work closely with local environmental agencies such as the San Bernardino County Fire - Hazardous Waste Division.
     This internship opportunity is open to all UCR Environmental Sciences Undergraduates with upper-level standing. The internship is self-supported and voluntary.  At least 3 quarters (Fall to Spring of the academic year) of commitment, with 8-16 hours per week, are required; candidates have an option to start in the Summer quarter. UCR credits will be granted through ENSC 198I (Internship in the Environmental Sciences), at a rate of 1 unit per 3 hrs/week of internship activity.  A presentation summarizing the internship activity at the end of each committed quarter is required. All applicants must be at least 18 years old.  A shortlist of candidates may be interviewed for final selection. The finalists must pass a background check and medical examination, which includes a drug test, prior to the internship.

    To apply to the program, please visit https://envisci.ucr.edu/undergrad/internships and submit your application with the materials below:
    • A cover letter
    • A CV
    • A copy of your unofficial transcript
    • Up to two (2) reference letters
    Review of applications begins on May 15 and continues until August 31 or all positions are filled. Inquiries may be sent to Dr. King-Fai Li (Chair of the Undergraduate Education Committee, Dept. of Env. Sci., UCR) at king-fai.li@ucr.edu.
     Join us to gain valuable experience, earn credits, and help protect the environment!
    *UCR NetID login required. 

Undergraduate Research

Students interested in enhancing the status of knowledge about environmental processes or seeking new solutions to environmental problems may gain training and experience as part-time employees in the department’s research laboratories and other research facilities, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil and Water Research Service, located on campus.

Those wishing to conduct their own research under faculty supervision may earn academic credit by enrolling in ENSC 197. Expenses for both laboratory and field experiments are eligible for funding by the campus mini-grant program which supports undergraduate research and creative activity.


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