The Department of Environmental Sciences offers the Ph.D. degree in Environmental Sciences. The general requirements for the Ph.D. degree are found in the Announcement of the Graduate Division.
Course Work: Students must complete the course requirements and will be required to give a presentation annually at the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program Student Symposium.
Comprehensive Written Examination: Following completion of all coursework prescribed by the student's Advisory Committee, a written qualifying examination will be prepared and administered to the student by a Written Qualifying Examination Committee. The Written Qualifying Examination Committee will consist of at least three faculty members with interests in the student‘s line of research. The purpose of the written qualifying examination is to determine that the student has gained sufficient knowledge in the chosen field to perform professionally and competently. The written exam may be attempted only twice. If the written qualifying exam is failed twice, the student will be redirected to the M.S. degree or terminated from the program.
Oral Examination: A student who satisfactorily passes the written qualifying examination may proceed with the oral qualifying examination, which will focus on the dissertation proposal. The oral examination is conducted before the Oral Qualifying Examination Committee, consisting of five faculty members, one of whom must be from outside the ESGP. The oral examination may be attempted only twice. If the oral qualifying exam is failed twice, the student will be redirected to the M.S. degree or terminated from the program. The written and oral comprehensive examinations will normally be taken at the end of the second year of graduate study and before the start of the third year.
Dissertation: All Ph.D. students must write a doctoral dissertation, which must be read and accepted by all members of the Doctoral Dissertation Committee, comprised of at least three faculty members from the ESGP. A final oral thesis defense in front of the three committee members must be passed.
Relationship between Master‘s and Doctoral Programs The M.S. and Ph.D. programs are separate. Students who enter the Ph.D. program do not need to acquire a M.S. degree first, although students may elect to take both.
Normative Time to Degree: 5 years